Henry D. Pfister

Picture of Henry Pfister 

Henry D. Pfister
Jeffrey N. Vinik Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Mathematics
Duke University

information initiative at Duke
Rm 305 Gross Hall
140 Science Dr.
Duke box #90984 Durham, NC 27708

Recent News

  • 08/22 - Former group member Narayanan Rengaswamy joins University of Arizona as an Assistant Professor


Pronouns: he/him/his
Office: Gross Hall 305
Tel: (919) 660-5288
Email: henry.pfister@duke.edu
Office Hour (FA24): M 3-4pm in Gross Hall 305 or by appointment
Teaching (FA24)– ECE 587: Information Theory


Katherine Peterson
Gross Hall 315
Tel: (919) 613-7829 Email: kathy.peterson@duke.edu